Sopra e Sotto booking conditions

  1. Booking
    1. Lessee (apartment, rented tent or rented tent site) can book with Sopra e Sotto by using the booking form available on These booking methods are legally binding on both parties.
    2. By booking, subject booking conditions between lessee and lessor (Sopra e Sotto) become valid.
    3. Lessee is jointly and severally liable to fulfil all obligations resulting from the booking, both on his part and on the part of his fellow travellers.
  2. Booking request and payment
    1. Each booking request is confirmed by Sopra e Sotto by means of a booking confirmation.
    2. Within 7 days upon receipt of the booking confirmation, lessee is obligated to pay a deposit of 50% of the total rent. Information on how this payment should be made is found on the booking confirmation. As soon as Sopra e Sotto has received payment, the booking is final.
    3. The remaining rent shall be paid in cash upon departure.
    4. Lessee is obligated to pay Sopra e Sotto the full rent including any order mentioned in the booking confirmation. This also explicitly includes later arrival or earlier departure by lessee than the times mentioned in the booking confirmation.
    5. In case of overdue payment by lessee, Sopra e Sotto has the right to cancel the booking.
  3. Cancellation by lessee
    1. Cancellation by lessee shall occur by e-­‐mail to Sopra e Sotto.
    2. Upon receipt of the cancellation, Sopra e Sotto shall send lessee a confirmation of the cancellation.
    3. In case of a cancellation within 7 days after receipt of the booking confirmation, the deposit is refunded by Sopra e Sotto.
    4. In case of a cancellation after 7 days and before 8 weeks prior to the start of the rental period, lessee is due 50% of the rent.
    5. In case of a cancellation from 8 weeks prior to the start of the rental period, lessee is due full rent.
    6. Cancelled bookings can not be transferred to third parties, unless lessee obtains digital or written permission from Sopra e Sotto.
  4. Cancellation by Sopra e Sotto
    1. If circumstances demand Sopra e Sotto to cancel the booking, Sopra e Sotto shall inform lessee of this immediately, and, if possible, offer an alternative.
    2. If an alternative can not be offered, or the alternative is not accepted by lessee, Sopra e Sotto shall immediately refund the rent in full already paid by lessee. Lessee has no other right than to claim this amount.
  5. Cancellation insurance
    1. Sopra e Sotto recommends lessee to conclude cancellation insurance. In case of a cancellation, lessee can claim full or partial repayment of the rent provided the reason for cancellation is covered in the insurance policy.
  6. Lessee liability
    1. During the stay at Sopra e Sotto, lessee is fully liable for the rented apartment and furnishings, the rented camping site and/or rented tent, as well as any accompanying facility delivered.
    2. Damage caused through his fault or the fault of his fellow travellers and/or pets shall be compensated for to lessor by lessee immediately and in full.
  7. Lessor liability
    1. Sopra e Sotto accepts no liability whatsoever for any loss or theft, damage or injury whatsoever suffered by lessee or caused by other lessees.
    2. Sopra e Sotto accepts no liability whatsoever for damage caused by natural force, natural disasters, attacks, strikes, acts of violence, construction works, or accidents.
    3. Use of all facilities at Sopra e Sotto is at the lessee’s own risk.
  8. Complaints
    1. Complaints shall be discussed immediately and on the spot with lessor who will try to remedy the complaint in all reasonableness and fairness.
  9. Rules
    1. During high season, the rental period for apartments is from Saturday to Saturday, for rented tents from Monday to Monday, unless the booking confirmation mentions otherwise.
    2. Lessee can occupy the rented space on the day of his arrival from 15.30 pm.
    3. Lessee shall leave the rented space on the day of his departure no later than 10.00 am (apartments) or 10.30 am (campsite).
    4. Lessee shall pay any other costs in cash to lessor no later than on the evening prior to his departure.
    5. Lessee shall leave behind the rented space in the same condition as it was on arrival.